Saturday 3 September 2011

Feather, Rock, Truck

I want to tell you a story to help you understand where I have been and how I got there... if you take something from it - even better!

Almost 2 years ago I met an amazingly strong woman who shared this theory with me. For me, she told this story in the context of my relationship at the time (which was going through a rough patch)... but you can apply it generally to any aspect of your life.

Lets use it with weight-loss... (something I know a bit about recently!!)

You know you need to lose weight... but you keep going through your life doing the same that you do, eating fast food, not exercising and increasing your waist size every day....   One day, you try on those pair of size 20 jeans and they now don't do up..... getting depressed you think to yourself "something has got to change, I really have to lose weight......   but I'll start tomorrow". Tomorrow doesn't come. This stage is what I call the "feather" stage. This incident happens which hypothetically is like a feather floating past you and landing at your feet. It is that small reminder that something needs to be done... but as quickly as it is brought to your attention, you have already stepped over it and made your way to the cupboard for some comfort food.

So your going along in your life again, you've bought yourself the next size up in jeans, and all of a sudden something happens... it hurts....  like a rock being thrown at the back of your head...   maybe your walking down the street and a little kid asks his mum (quite loudly) why "that lady is so fat" or maybe your going to sit down and the chair collapses underneath you. This really hurts you.. and really jolts you back to that feeling of... "I really have to lose weight.... but I'll start tomorrow"....  this has hurt you, and you really really know that something has to be done... but that rock stays on the ground, and you step over it and ignore the message it was trying to send you. (Trust me - you will wish later that you didn't!)

This leads me to my favourite part... the truck. This is the part that your walking along in your life again, and from around the corner comes this HUGE, GIGANTIC semi-trailer with bright coloured lights and let me tell you.. it's on a rampage...  it comes directly for you and without even seeing it coming,  BAM! It ploughs you over (and just in case there is anything left - it reverses over you again and again). Everything comes toppling over in your life, you might lose your job, have a relationship break down, or your told by the doctor that you're off to an early grave if you don't lose some weight. Maybe you have already suffered a medical issue...Whatever it is... it's been coming... and now - it taken a destructive path and its run everything over on its way... You're defeated. It's taken away any choice now, you have lost everything... so now you cannot ignore it.  You think to yourself - why didn't I listen when that feather floated past me.... or why didn't i do something when that rock hit me....  but - like most people do, you've waited for the universe to help tear everything down to show you that tomorrow can't wait.... you are forced to do something NOW.

I'll tell you my truck experience (in a hope that you will get some understanding behind my story)...

When I came out of the Biggest Loser, I thought I had already been tested enough.... but my real lesson was about to start. I had physically made the change... but mentally I hadn't learnt my hardest lesson. My truck turned its ignition on and started revving it's engine.

24 hours after finale was taped my semi-trailer came around that corner and hit me at 150km/hour. My relationship with Leigh was over (which at the time felt like my whole life was over).  Just when I thought that I had been through enough change, the universe had my biggest lesson waiting. I had ignored that feather and rock all those times before,  so my truck was ready to charge... and boy did it clean me up. What was I going to do now?  Everything that I believed was my future, was now scattered around me... I was devastated. My dreams of marrying Leigh were over, and my future of being "Leigh's  Wife" is non existent. I felt so lost... that was all I could say...  I'm just lost. I was numb. The reality was that I was lost. I had become so defined by Leigh, by being "Leigh's future wife", that I had lost everything I knew about Lara....I'd lost Lara. Which brings me to the name of my blog.. "Losing Lara".  It should really be "finding Lara"... but a very special person also told me "To find yourself, you must first lose yourself".

A week after finale went to air, I sent the following email through to that wise lady who first taught me this theory:

"Just thought you should know, that big bastard of a semi-trailer has hit".


  1. HI Lara, have just stumbled across you on FBook.I watched every single episode last year and loved your family the most, even though now I know you and Leigh have broken up and moved on.
    I admire everyone who goes on that show and has every part of their lives shown across the country and scrutinised.You should hold your head high and be proud, cause you darn well deserve to be.Thank you for all your words and inspiration.If you don't mind I would love to keep visiting your blog and follow your new journey of discovering Lara again....xxoo

  2. Hi Lara,
    I watched your journey on The Biggest Loser and loved how you changed your life. You did so well and have done well since the show ended. I can relate to the truck story. I think for me it was when we had a family crisis with one of my children last year. Still not sorted out and probably won't be for some time but I finally stopped it from taking over my life and decided I had to do something for me! I have been overweight all my life from about 8yo and finally decided enough was enough and had to do something about it.

    I joined Michelle Bridges 12wbt program and a gym. In December I was 123.3kg and with the help and support of my pt and Perth Crew I've lost almost 40kg. I will not be letting that truck come back.

    I'm inspired by your journey and pleased that you are finding yourself again. I look forward to meeting you soon.

  3. Love your blog Lara I can understand & relate to it so much! Thanks for sharing x

  4. I love the anaology- so true.
    I did a wrkshop with Emazon 2 years ago while I was losing weight, and she mentioned the roadbloacks that come up, similar in meaning to this.
    I lost the weight and regained it (over 40kg's) and am about to lose it again, so I understand what you mean about the physical and mental changes. The physical happens so fast, but the mnetal changes are slower and time is needed to adjust.
    All the best with the future- you will be just fine :) xx

  5. I feel like I am at the point where I am waiting for that truck to hit. I have definitely let that feather float away and I have also stepped over that rock. I don't want this truck to get me.

    Thanks for that post, it's so inpirational. Sometimes reading through others experiences you realise that you need to do something for yourself, and that's exacly what you have done. You were an inspiration to me on the biggest loser, and even now, long after, you continue to be! I hope you find yourself soon Lara.

  6. I love this analogy - I feel like I know exactly what you mean... i'm kicking myself about not doing something earlier - with my weight, but also with other things in my life.

    I just stumbled onto here from facebook - wanted to say congrats on doing so well, and good luck with finding yourself and loving yourself - i hope you enjoy that journey too.

    I had never watched TBL until last season and I gravitated towards you because we're almost the same age, same height and same weight - and seeing how good you look now, and how healthy and fit you are has made me think of change as being more possible for me - as well as seeing that i needed it for my health - so thank you for that. i've now, finally (months after the feather and the rock) started to act and I wish i'd done it sooner, but such is life. I hope I come to a time where I am as fit as you are now, and also as focussed on my real journey as you are. But the small changes are gratifying in the mean time :)

    Best wishes, and I'll keep following you here as I keep on with my own weight loss/happiness quest too. Take care and good luck. Tracey :)

  7. Lara you are a wise, wise, girl for your age. I love TBL and you were my absolute favourite. I think of you the way I think of my daughter as you are my eldest daughters are beautiful inside and out and I admire you for all you have achieved. Big hugs to you.
